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Thanks to a strong network of companies and associations, we know how to survive in a highly standardized industrial context. We also develop high-performance hardware and software thanks to a lively network, and we play to the full our openness and desire to share knowledge.



ISO_9001_colour_singleOur partner for certification and auditing. We support TÜV with consulting services and comprehensive industry and methodological expertise, and in return have direct access to auditor and expert networks. Of course, we are also certified according to ISO 9001:2015.

Embedded4You e.V.

Embedded4You-Logo-RGBEmbedded4You e.V. (E4Y) is the leading competence network for embedded technologies and enables the realization of efficient solutions through cooperation. We actively participate in the joint company network of SMEs from the fields of electronics development, testing, IoT and deep tech.



largeSeSaME stands for  deep technical expertise in the field of Security and Safety. Launched in 2018 by Konzept Informationssysteme, we participate here with expert knowledge and industry information about current security & safety developments in Germany as a high-tech location. 

GfSE / INCOSE German Chapter

GfSE-Logo_webSystems Engineering - to be able to ensure the future reliability, safety and functionality of a product already during development is indispensable for all branches of industry today. As members of GfSE, we participate in standardization and method development for systemic hardware and software development.

Questions about our network?


We are happy to share insights with you. Feel free to contact us at any time regarding questions about us, our partners and our network.

Foto Hendrik Schnack rund

Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Schnack
Sales, Partners, Tech